
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

"Drawings of Quarantine" by Betül Aydın

"Drawings of Quarantine" by Betül Aydın

Quarantine can get a little repetitive, so I decided to change it up a bit and tried my hand at drawing a picture of Jordan (I find myself looking through my camera roll quite frequently because I miss Amman so much). This was one of my last moments before we had to leave the country — it is a shot from Rumi Cafe taken on a Saturday evening. Two of my friends and I had met up to study, oblivious to the fact that it would be our last time. If you ever have the chance to visit Jordan, I would highly recommend going to this cafe in Paris Square and try Yemeni tea! It was very close to my internship placement and a popular study spot among our group, so I would go there often. Because I miss it so much, I tried my best to draw this picture and next I want to make Yemeni tea as a little reminder of all the good times!!

Photo credit: Aydın, 2020

A Statement on Higher Education from our Director of Education Abroad

A Statement on Higher Education from our Director of Education Abroad

"How to Uplift Your Life During Quarantine" by MacKenzie Galloway

"How to Uplift Your Life During Quarantine" by MacKenzie Galloway