
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

"Two Friends Have a Discussion about Hobbies" by Connor Baldwin

"Two Friends Have a Discussion about Hobbies" by Connor Baldwin

This is a discussion between two characters on what hobbies they have. I have decided to do it in Arabic as a good way to practice my language usage while also having a chance to show traditional Moroccan instruments. These are characters I have been drawing since high school and are in no way meant to offend anyone, they are just silly characters.

Connor Baldwin is a student at Marquette University and is studying abroad on the Amideast Area and Arabic Studies Program in Rabat, Morocco this spring 2023.

"A Visual Diary of My First Month in Jordan" by Asiyah Ball

"A Visual Diary of My First Month in Jordan" by Asiyah Ball

"A Trip to the Amman Chamber Music Orchestra: A multicultural program and reflection of my time in the city" by Sela Dombrower

"A Trip to the Amman Chamber Music Orchestra: A multicultural program and reflection of my time in the city" by Sela Dombrower