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"Fitness Abroad - Jordan Edition" by Veronica Tis

"Fitness Abroad - Jordan Edition" by Veronica Tis

Fitness has always been an important part of my life. From a young age, you could often find me in the pool, running through the woods, or hopping on my bike ready to tackle one of the many hills in Maryland. As an avid swimmer and runner through high school, and a triathlete for most of my college career, exercising has allowed me to maintain not only my physical, but also my mental health. By incorporating exercise into my daily routine, I have nurtured my ability to balance my social and academic life through proper time management. While I accomplished all of this in the comfort of my house, hometown, and university, I knew that I had to pursue my love of fitness and the early morning and late nights in the gym while studying abroad in Jordan.

Pictured above is me climbing in a small canyon near the Dead Sea. Photo credit: Tis, 2021.

My experience living abroad in the past, however, proved to me that this was much easier said than done. Living in a new environment, surrounded by new friends, a new family, and, on top of that, completing your schoolwork, fitness can often get lost on your list of priorities. For me, I knew that this was something that I could not let happen. After one week of being in Jordan, I crossed morning runs around the house off my list of potential workouts - my unfamiliarity with the area as well as the hazardous driving and narrow sidewalks pointed to the treadmill as a much safer option. Thus, I knew I needed to find a gym that was not only affordable, but also relatively close to where I lived.

This is the gym that I exercise at! It is conveniently located right in front of my house. Photo credit: Google Maps, 2021.

A picture of one of the treadmills I start my workouts on. Photo credit: Tis, 2021.

Fortunately, many gyms exist in Jordan. The monthly price varies from over $100 USD to well under $100 USD. After looking into several gyms both near Amideast and my house, I finally settled on a membership at the gym that was (lucky me) just a walking distance from my house. And yes, if you are wondering, it had the same exact equipment (and more!) as the gyms I have used in the US. The only difference was that the upper section was restricted to women.

With all of this gym talk, you may be asking yourself, ok, well, what if I’m not a gym rat? Jordan’s natural beauty offers endless opportunities for fitness activities such as hiking, climbing, or horseback riding. Even strolling through ancient Byzantine ruins can build up your appetite for more delicious shawarma or Mansaf. After a month of living in Jordan, as I have become more and more familiar with cafes and the layout of the city, I have also found myself walking to more cafes rather than Uber-ing. Amman is by no means flat. The rolling hills provide you with a decent, but fun, workout when travelling with friends from one café to another.

Two of my friends strolling through Dibeen Forest right outside Amman while we were camping. Photo credit: Tis, 2021.

Two other Amideast students are pictured here walking as we were shopping. Photo credit: Tis, 2021.

Contrary to my doubts, maintaining my fitness while studying abroad has not only been easy, but it has also become a routine of my study abroad life in Jordan that I have found even more joy and passion in than before.

My friend and me at Wadi Mujib. Photo credit: Tis, 2021.

Veronica Tis is a senior at George Washington University and is studying on the Area and Arabic Studies program in Amman, Jordan this fall.

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