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"What to do in Rabat" by the Fall 2018 Morocco Cohort

"What to do in Rabat" by the Fall 2018 Morocco Cohort

  1. Mohammed VI Museum of Modern Art

    It’s really amazing to get to see Moroccan artists’ work. It’s a small museum but it’s really nice - and it’s free if you have your student ID. They also have a super cute café if you want to go and get some work done, hangout with friends, or read a good book.

  2. CineAtlas

    They show movies in English! It’s wild. They’re subtitled in French, but it’s super fun if you want to see a movie that’s out right now. Most of their showings are in French, but they do one time per day that’s in the original language the movie was created in (usually English). They also give students a discount.

  3. Renaissance Cinema

    Another movie theater, but all their showings are in French or Arabic.

  4. Ice Skating and Bowling at Mega Mall

    It’s inexpensive compared to the US and good for rainy days in Rabat.

  5. Zoo

    Even if you normally don’t like zoos, this one is new, well-designed, and decently ethical.

  6. Take a Boat to Sale

    It’s super cute! You should go on a sunny day. A man will row you around a tell you about the history of Rabat.

  7. Decathlon

    Honestly so fun just to go visit and shop. They have really cheap outdoors clothing if you need a raincoat or are going to do any hiking.

  8. Walkway by the Beach l’Ocean

    One member of our cohort brought their ENO hammock and set it up by the beach. People looked at them like they were crazy, but you can’t get better views! It’s a great place to walk around, clear your head, and see the best sunset in the entire world.

  9. Beach in Skhirat

    It’s the nicest beach in the Rabat area. We could literally spend every weekend, all day here. They have guys who walk around and sell donuts for 5 dirhams, it’s a pretty clean beach, and people are nice and not weird if you’re a woman and want to wear a bikini. The lifeguards are honestly hilarious and if you want to play pickup soccer with any Moroccans, this is the place to do it.

Members of the Fall 2018 Morocco cohort wrote this list before leaving Morocco in 2018.

World Arabic Language Day

World Arabic Language Day

"A House of My Own & A Cat" by Cullen Allard

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