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"Sunset on the Maghreb" by Marley Craine

"Sunset on the Maghreb" by Marley Craine

As my time in Morocco comes to a close, I reflect on all of the incredible things I've done, seen, tasted, smelled, laughed at, and swam in. But one particular sight stands out as the most mesmerizing and consistently beautiful: the sunset. In Rabat, I'd often go to the beach to watch it set by the water, or up on the roof of my host family's apartment building. I chased the sunset from Agdal to l'Ocean; Chefchaouen to Merzouga. Here are some of the most magnificent sunsets I've seen in Morocco.

Photo credit for all images: Craine, 2023.

Marley Craine is a student at Macalaster University studying abroad in Morocco this Fall 2023 on Amideast’s Regional Studies in French program.

"My Trip to Morocco This Summer" by Kumayl Alloo

"My Trip to Morocco This Summer" by Kumayl Alloo

Meet CASE Peer Mayssem Boukadida

Meet CASE Peer Mayssem Boukadida