
Welcome! Our site features the work of our blog abroad correspondents and has everything you need to know about our study abroad programs!

"Quarantine in California" by Madina Zermeno

"Quarantine in California" by Madina Zermeno

For my last and final blog abroad entry, I would like to wish everyone a Ramadan Mubarak!  The holy month is among us, and there is nothing but peace and blessings in the air.  My family and I practice Ramadan since we are Muslims, along with Muslims all across the world.  I sadly couldn’t experience my first Ramadan in a Muslim majority country, in Morocco, but I know I will definitely be back with all of the flight credit I have!  This video is a look at where the past couple of weeks have taken me, from morning online AMIDEAST classes and homework, to working out safely through social distancing, and my birthday in quarantine.  Grateful for the experience to be able to blog, or in my case, “vlog,” my entire journey since arriving in Morocco until having to unexpectedly return home.  Morocco—I will be back soon!

"How to Uplift Your Life During Quarantine" by MacKenzie Galloway

"How to Uplift Your Life During Quarantine" by MacKenzie Galloway

"Harcha" by Naomi Curtis

"Harcha" by Naomi Curtis